Wednesday, August 09, 2006

SEP, POS and an engineer

These two concepts are something an engineer invariably encounters in his career, life or otherwise.

A problem that is not SEP :)

Simply put SEP is a virtual field first described by Douglas Adams in his mega inter dimensional, inter galactic, inter whatever epic - Hitch Hiker's Guide to Galaxy. In more simpler terms its "Somebody Else's Problem".

This field is so applicable to any engineer that he simply cannot proceed ahead without accounting for this and utilizing the virtuous power of this field.

Quick example

This will help this topic becoming shrouded in SEP.

Say somebody has hard-disk crash, we very quickly click tongues and express mock surprise and empathize appropriately. Then comes the very funny thought process - This won't happen to me. Ever. Period. We go on with our lives, work and existence in SEP field.
This, my grasshopper, is SEP. Somebody Else's Problem.

Funnily its this SEP that allows one to indeed get on with life with minimal bothering. And then when the SEP changes something you experience a deja-vu. And a problem on your hands. A la matrix.

SEP is almost viral. We like SEP and we live in it. And it becomes our prime enemy number 1 when it becomes our problem.

Engineer and SEP

Engineer utilizes this field to the max. Not for anyone's benefit but to save his own posterior. Engeering is not about solutions but SEP. They teach you to put any problem in SEP field. That simply makes the problem go away until the next engineer encounters it.

Engineers also provide solution. But thats when they realize that the problem is more than the invisibility cloak of SEP.

SEP is defined by requirements and scope. Anything beyond scope is SEP matter. Engineers love SEP. All successful people are incedentally greats in SEP field creation.

So far so clear. What about POS ?

This is a powerful pill that we feed ourselves to remain in the SEP field. And we do it every day, every hour, every minute. Makes you sound like an addict of the worst kind, no ?

Here it comes - Power Of Suggestion

Without this pill its simply not possible for you to exist in the SEP. This pill has an acceptability that would put any standard published or unpublished to shame.

We love to take the POS pill created by ourselves first and equally enjoy getting it from others. POS allows you to believe in your own thoughts and beliefs and in those of others. POS is so powerful that you can virtually sell it to some one.

Don't believe me ? Try this - Casually tell a girl that a pair of sandals doesn't suit her. That is enough to give her the motivation to buy a new pair.

Marketing people use it. Advertisers live by it. Engineers hate it.

Engineers don't like to be played around. Not because it ain't right. But because if it does go wrong then its the engineer who is at fault. Not the POS dealer.

Engineer likes to use it. On his manager. He feeds atleast a year's stock to his higher up. Just to be sure. That gives him the leeway and the cherished freedom to do nothing.

POS feeds SEP. Beware of POS if you are the visionary types. Beware more of SEP if you want to be visionary. Every problem has to be your problem till you have vision and POS pill to make it truely a SEP. You can then sell that pill as your vision. Gosh. I just spilled the secret to make the visionary POS pill.

What the heck was the aim ?
Was there supposed to be one ? :) But now you have two more cool acronyms to tout around.

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